Thursday 6 October 2011


Priniciple 1. Draw,work by hand

I have chosen this Leanorado Da Vinci image because it shows ideas that have been sketched out through a drawing.It is not simply just a sketch but an idea that the artist has thought about and he has chosen to do a drawing to express this.

I like sketching as this helps me to plan out my ideas to match a specific component in a brief or project.

Drawing helps me think about things which I can put into practice as I progress further when doing visual research related to a project.

Having the ability to draw out my ideas instead of just writing them down as an impact on my working style.As opposed to just mind mapping to find the right solution to answering a certain aspect of the brief.

I would say this particular drawing done by the artist is intended for people who like Fine Art.The drawing looks quite geometric and in proportion and also detailed.The artist has aimed the target audience at older people in the age range of 35-45 that are into culture and museums and galleries.

The artist has linked in the drawing with the anatomy of the human body as it is related to science aswell.

Because it's very detailed,it catches our attention and makes us think about how the human body looks.
The texture of the paper which the drawing has been done on shows us that it is not for someone who is into comic books or illustrations and is intended for a different target audience.

This sign is showing us this and also the fact that it has been done in pencil or graphite.The mark making is also very detailed.

The artist has composed the drawing to be visually attractive to people who have an interest in the human body or who have an interest in fine art.

Principle 3. Develop Visual Language

This piece of work by Christoph Niemann has a sense of humour to it which I quite like as it has a play on the words and also images that are integrated into it.

I think the meaning of it is for people to engage sexually and not be limited.

The target audience would probably be 20-25 as young people in this age range can find some things quite amusing and funny.

The image wouldn't really be appropriate for anyone who was under the age of 18 as on the image it says "ADULTS ONLY assuming it is for older people.

I think the image is a piece of personal expression that is about society which is making the person think about their views towards sex.

I really like the bold Typography as it is very eye catching and stands out which makes you want to read it and ask yourself what it is trying to say.

The context of this image might cause controversy as it is implying sexual positions and there is a play on the images used in it.

The image has a message in it which is in the form of a joke,which is the play on the images used and also the Typography.

The signs which tell us that it is sexually related is that it has the word "Porn" in it.The colours that have been used are very striking and vibrant.

I think the poster is very effective in making the viewer think about the joke and it's meaning and what link it has in being related in attitudes towards sex.

There is also another sign in the image which refers to the saying "sex sells" as they are also trying to advertise furniture but in another way.I think the images that are used in this poster are quite creative and I like the way the Typography has been used.The composition of it is quite simple but works.

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