Monday 24 October 2011

Connectivity-Cultural Context within your chosen medium,Notions of Originality

Principle 2.Cultural Context within your chosen medium

I have chosen this Photograph by Rankin as I think it's intended meaning might be advertising or it is similar to the BBC ident used in it's adverts.

It's trying to communicate a visual piece of work which is Photography.

I like the way this piece of work has a commercial intention to engage people through the photograph.This visual would capture people's attention.

I think the photograph works really well as it also shows a form of nature as the model is surrounded by leaves in a forest.It also signals the sign of a season change.It could be telling us that it's Summer as the leaves in the picture are very green and you can see the sun shining through.

The audience targeted is young people in the age range of 20-30 years.You might see this image in a Photographic magazine of some sort.People who are not into Photography or nature,might not like this.People who are into some things such as Contemporary culture might like this piece or work as it is a visually informative piece.

This piece might only be targeted at specific cultural groups,this is because the model in the Photograph is not wearing any clothes,this sign tells us this.

The piece also provokes us to think,this is because other people might have different or mixed views about the photograph having some form of nudity in it.

The photograph is very visually striking so might be used to advertise a product also,that also comes into the form of advertising that you see on the TV.

I think the visual language could be communicated better,but above all it works very well in engaging it's audience and making us question who specifically is this piece for.

You can tell this piece is not an illustration or poster,this is because it has no words or drawings to inform us about this,so we just assume it is a photograph which is trying to capture our attention.

Principle 1.Notions of Originality

I have chosen this print which has been done by Hokusia.I think it was created because the artist wanted to show the beauty of the sea and the waves that have formed.

I think it's intended meaning is that it's a piece of work that is supposed to be for people to look at and appreciate it.I also think that the artist has created this piece of work as a form of personal expression,it also is asking a question about society in the world we live in today.

This print might also be telling us about something that might have happened in the past,such as a storm or tsunami.The image is very detailed and graphical showing us a clear picture or telling us some sort of story.

I think the print really makes the person think and engages people's thoughts.I think it works very well as  you can tell this isn't just a piece of artwork or a print someone has made,it is also a story the artist is telling us through the image.This piece of work could maybe work better if there was some typography somewhere alongside the image.

The audience is targeted at people who might have an interest in prints and Illustrations.It might also be targeted at someone who is japanese or who has an interest in the culture.I would say people in the age range of 20-35 might have an interest in this piece of work.I don't think this would be for young people as it's not a cartoon or Illustration,and would probably not appeal to them.

There are signs in this piece of work that tell us who it's for.The fact that it has some small writing in a foreign language such as Japense,tells us who might have done this print.The visual of the big wave also gives us another clue.This is because in Japan there are many natural disasters that can happen or might have occured in the past such as a tsunmi.The big wave tells us this sign as large waves are related to tsunami's which happen.

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