Monday 7 November 2011

Research and Inspiration

Principle 2.By understanding the various ‘practices & processes’ of illustrators, designers, photographers one is able to progress and advance one’s own practice.

I have chosen this image done by the Illustrator/Pop Artist Roy Lichtenstein.I think it's intended meaning is a form of self expression and also maybe related to society and culture.This piece of work falls into the category of Illustration.You might find an image like this in a comic book or in the back pages of a newspaper.I also think the artists work could also be quite personal.

The visual pieces work of intention could be for us to buy a comic book as they are very illustrated and eye catching.This image could also be used as an advert or a poster.

The visuals capture our attention alot as the image is very bold provoking us to think about what is being communicated to us.I think it works very well,as you can tell this is not just a poster or an illustration,because a  form of emotion is being shown in the image.It questions us to think about what is being said.

I would say that the targeted audience is people 20-40.This is because alot of young or middle age people would go through relationship problems or marital problems and I think they could relate to this image of the women crying.

This also might just be targeted at the female gender,as males don't usually show emotion,and the main person in the image is that of a women.Cultural background also plays a part in the target audience as many people of a different ethnicity are not involved in relationships before marriage and are against courting.
The signs which might tell us this is the fact that non coloured people have been used in the image.The fact that the man is holding onto the women suggests to us that this piece of work has a sense of emotion in it.This is one the signs that tell us this and also because she is crying.

Principle 3.The notion of 'inspiration' derives from constant inquiry, based on research, observation, recording and experimentation.

I have chosen this piece of work done by Tracey Emin called "Everyone I have ever slept with" as the inspiration for this piece of work has come from   her own personal life.

I think the intended meaning of this piece of work is that it's a form of self expression and for an exhibition.It also can be related to society because the artist has opened up about her personal experiences with the intended audience about who she has shared a bed with throughout her life.

I think this piece of work comes under contemporary art as it's quite surreal and is quite like an installation that has been put together.You would find this piece of work in a museum or a contemporary art gallery.

The intention of this piece of work is to get people to think about it,and why and how she decided to create this piece of work that is quite personal to her and her views on everyone she has ever shared a bed with from normal circumstances and to being sexually involved with someone by sharing the bed with them in that kind of way.

This piece of conceptual art looks quite graphical because of the Typography that has been done by hand,if you saw it in the museum,you would know that it was an installation and not a print.You can tell by looking at it that it's a photograph that has been taken of an exhibition at a museum.

When looking at it and reading all the names,it makes you wonder what it is relating to,but by knowing the fact that it has been titled "Everyone I have ever Slept with" you then know that the names are the people whom she has shared a bed with.The Typography of it is very colourful and instantly captures your attention to make you want to read it.

The targeted audience would probably be 20-35 as I think they would have a keen interest in modern comtemporary art of this nature.

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