Wednesday, 21 March 2012

ITAP Part 2-Genius of Photography Questions Part 1

Genius of Photography Questions Part 1

1.What is photography’s “true genius”?

It is the way a photograph can make us react towards a particular image and how it can intrigue us, one image can create a range of emotions, which is incredible considering a photograph is a reflection of life.

2.Name a proto-photographer.

Henry Fox Talbot

3.In the 19th century, what term was associated with the daguerreotype?

"Mirror with a memory"

4.What is the vernacular?

It is a way of communicating with an audience.

5.How do you “Fix the Shadows”?

As Aberlardo Morell did in 2006, you need to transform a room into a camera.The hole in the curtain was the aperture, the room= the body.

6.What is the “carte de visite”?

A carte de viste is a small photograph of a person that has been taken almost like a formal portrait and are very posed, these photographs are often swapped between friends & family. The process itself would usually allow the photographer to take eight portraits taken at a time and then allowing the customer to have eight photographs.

7.Who was Nadar and why was he so successful?

Nadar was a french artist, he was one of the first photographers to give his work a signiture style, his work was also inspired by other types of art such a painting, as at the time photography wasn't necssiarely considered an art form.

8.What is pictorialism?

A style of photography that was popular in the 19th and 20th centuary, it became a popular movement due to the rise of the kodak brand, it made photography available to everybody, and focused more on the moment/the aesthetics rather than the art form and process of photography.

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