Wednesday 11 January 2012

Image and Text

Principle 1.Image And Context

The message and meaning of an image can change dramatically,depending on it's context and background information.This photo by Alexander Gubin is really interesting and highlights this principle.
This photo is very conceptual and has a cold feeling to it because the background is slightly blurred and it looks like it hasn't been taken in the daytime because you can see a small amount of light hitting the girls face.

The image is very striking as it makes you think what it's about and the whole concept behind it.It could be showing poverty or homelessness or simply what the culture is about in that country.The photographer is from Russia,so I'm presuming the photograph might have been taken in Russia as the girl in the photograph is also wearing a Russian style hat.Because of the light blue coloured background,it gives a cool feel to the image.So it might also be very cold there.

I also like the dark effect of the image,because it looks as if the girl is in an empty deserted street all on her own.You might question the fact about wheather she has to fend for herself.

Principle 2.Image And Text

The message and context of an image can also change when text is added.Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist.

I find her images very thought provoking as they make you wonder what she is trying to portray.They also have a sense of humour added to them.

I particularly like this image as it makes you think about what the two women are trying to say when engaging with the audience.In terms of visual communication,they are saying they have nothing to fear.

The fact that they have been photographed in wearing just their underwear,makes us think that they are saying that "this is who we are,and we are proud to be women"

Also the fact that they are not wearing any clothes on,suggests to us that they are very comfortable with themselves and in their own skin.I think the main intention of this image,is for people to think who they are as a person and what makes them happy about the person inside them.

Like the text says "The Innocent,have nothing to fear" they are normal people who don't have anything to fear and are just being themselves and are totally happy with who they are.

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