Wednesday 11 January 2012

Development of Ideas And Structure In Moving Image

Principle 4.Visual Development:Visualising Information

I have chosen this image by Charles Joseph Minard who was a French Civil Engineer known for his inventions in the field of Information Graphics.

I think it's intended meaning is to inform people about some sort of information in a clear and visual way.

The intention for this piece of work is to tell and show people the losses over time of French army troops during the Russian campaign.

You can tell it's some sort of chart/information graph because of the lines and grid graph which tells you that this is a piece of information graphics informing us about something.
You would find this piece of work in a historical book telling us about past events in history or maybe a scientific book.You might even find it in a maths book because it is a graph.

The lines are very bold and there are some thick bold lines going across the page and also numbers and other information at the bottom.There is also a block of grey going across the page which stands out against  the black thick line that is also running alongside it,which seperates the graph.

The targeted audience might be people from 18-30,as some young students might encounter this sort of thing while studying a subject such as Maths or Science at University.Lecturers and older people might also come across this if there job requires working with Information Graphics.

It would also be targeted at people who have probably studied or heard about the "Russian Campaign" in 1812.The signs which tell us that this is a piece of Information graphics,is the fact that their are a small amount of numbers running on the bottom of the page from left to right and also lines going across the page which would tell us that this is a graph.The words "Temperature Chart:Celsius on the left,Fahrenheit on the right" also gives us another indication.

Principle 3.Pre Production:Character Design

I have chosen the character "Harry Potter" to write about.I think the character of Harry Potter has been created so that he looks like any other young boy,so he fits in with the rest of the cast.The character is a wizard who is an Orphan who goes to live with his aunt and uncle because his parents died when he was born.

He hides a secret which is a scar on his forehead,which resulted in him not dieing.The character relates to the other charcters in the story by becoming friends with them when he enters another world,which is infact the "Hogwarths School Of wizardery and Witchcraft" which he has just started attending.As it is also a boarding school,he is able to bond more with the other characters throughout the story.

Harry Potter goes from being a normal boy who is living with his aunt,uncle and cousin to finding out he is a wizard who has some interesting powers that he does not know of.

He also encounters some problems along the way,when he meets an enemy who is jealous of him,called "Draco Malfoy"He doesn't find that a problem as he has his two friends "Hermoine Granger" and "Ron Weasley" who are their for him.

At the beginning of the story,Harry is quite a shy boy,who then comes out of his shell,when he comes face to face with other problems along the way.This is when he finds out that a character called "Voldermort" killed his parents and his also after him.

Harry Potter is the main character of the story who is the "Protagonist"who experiences conflict.Voldermort is the "Antagonist",the character in the story who is the cause of conflict.

The way the character "Harry Potter" is dressed and acts,and also the way he talks,Stereotypes him as the "good guy" in the story.

When the dialogue at the start of the story shows us that Harry is quite shy and doesn't talk much and also the fact that he doesn't have much of a life living with his aunt and uncle,gives us an insight about him and what kind of person he is.

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