Monday 9 January 2012

Production & Outcomes

Principle 2.Delivery-By choosing from a myriad of platforms,Illustrators/Creatives select an appropriate format.

I have chosen this piece of work by Sara Fanelli.I think it's intended meaning might be for the cover of a children's book.

Because of the way it looks and the delicate light coloured background you can tell it is an Illustration.

The intention for this piece of work is to look at it and read into it more,it may be something that you would find on the front cover of a picture book or a small Illustration that is put alongside a pizza menu.It could also be found in a shop,where they are selling a large size print that someone would buy to put up in their house.

The Illustration piece looks very creative and really draws your attention to the small sized type on the top left hand corner.The small Illustrations that cover the entire page are very detailed.

Because of the characteristics of the Illustration and the fact it looks quite "playful" you can tell that it has been designed for children in mind as they would like it.This is because it looks very colourful and has a lot of imagery on the page and not much type.

I would say that the targeted audience would be from 4-10 as children this age would appreciate the Illustrations as they look quite cute and nice.

I think it would mainly be targeted at the female gender as young boys might have an interest in other things such as sports,dinosaurs,cars.etc The colour of the background has been kept quite neutral,I think it's like this, so the small Illustrations that are going across the page won't get hidden and will be able to be seen clearly by children who are looking at it.As they will take notice more of the carefully detailed Illustrations other then huge amounts of text that are put on a page.

Principle 4.Testing-Illustrators/Creatives disseminate their work through published work,galleries,websites & blogs,creative & social forums.

I have chosen this piece of work done by the artist Simon Peplow.
It is an advert that was designed by him for a USA print advertising campaign called "SOYJOY,Fortified with Optimism"

I think it's intended meaning is for people to have a look at the advert and go and buy the product.This piece of work falls into the  category of "Illustration/Graphic Design"

I like the way the Illustration has been used to advertise the product as it gives it a fun look but still looks professional and grabs peoples' attention.

The intention of this piece of work is for people to go out and buy the product and try it out.The Illustration looks quirky and colourful and also very lively,because it's not boring it draws the target audience in to take a look at the advert.Basically the whole point of the advert is for it to inform us.

I would say that the targeted audience would be 20-35,so young professional people,or people who like Illustrations.This also appeals to people who have an interest in marketing or advertising, as seeing this advert would probably give them some inspiration for their own work.

The fact that their is a picture of the product being advertised next to the Illustration tells us that it is an advert/poster.The other signs which tell us that it is an advert is the fact that their is some small amount of writing at the bottom.There is also a quirky slogan being used at the top which is in a very bold font which adds to this.

I think this is one of the ways in which some Illustrators get their work published is by having them in advertising campaigns or having their work published on numerous sites and blogs for other people to come across their work and have a look at it.

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